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Laura Cumming
Billie Zangewa: A quiet fire
Brighton CCA

The medium is the message in Zangewa’s ingenious hand-stitched silk collages.
Selena Barry 
Amalia Pica: rock comb
Brighton CCA

At Brighton CCA, the artist’s latest participatory installation invites audiences to comb for gold in tonnes of stones transported from the nearby coast

Laura Cumming:
Bill Lynch: The Exile of Dionysus
Brighton CCA

He died aged 53 without ever having shown his work, but Bill Lynch’s paintings on salvaged wood transfix with their dual power of primitive joy and high sophistication

Beth Williamson
Bill Lynch: The Exile of Dionysus
Brighton CCA

This small exhibition of works by the American artist Bill Lynch at Brighton CCA is the first time Lynch’s work has been shown in a UK institution. Although it contains just 15 paintings, it nonetheless gives a sense of what this enigmatic artist achieved in his lifetime. Born in Albuquerque in 1960, he trained at Cooper Union School of Art in New York’s East Village and when he died in 2013, aged 53, his work had never been exhibited. It is only thanks to his friend and fellow-student Verne Dawson, who was a year ahead of Lynch at art school, that the work came to light at all.

John Quin
Bill Lynch: The Exile of Dionysus
Brighton CCA

The Exile of Dionysus at CCA, Brighton discovers the sumptuous organic forms of a little-known artist

Here’s Bill Lynch in correspondence with his friend Michael Wilde: ‘Sometimes an Affliction can press you to become more human. Those without an infirmity can slack off more freely their obligations. When we are aware of our limitations a battle plan to fight illusion can be drawn.’ Draw and paint he did, but what exactly was his affliction? Schizophrenia? We can’t be sure. Little is known about Lynch; he died in 2013 in his early fifties. That he was Dionysian, as with this show’s title, is suggested by another friend, Verne Dawson, who reports that Lynch loaded himself with Olde English 800 malt beer and a nickel bag of pot while working.

The World Turned Upside Down: Buster Keaton, Sculpture and the Absurd
Mead Gallery, University of Warwick 

Curated by Simon Faithfull and Ben Roberts, The World Turned Upside Down, places the work of over twenty international artists working in film, sculpture, installation art and performance in direct relation to Buster Keaton’s films to track a lineage from the melancholic and at times anarchic comedy of Keaton to the dry wit of conceptual practice.

Hannah Clugston
Material Environments 
Tetly Gallery, Leeds

In all likelihood the exhibition I saw at the Tetley in Leeds will be different to the one you will see if you are stirred to make a visit. There is a chance Keith Harrison’s giant red balloon will have inflated to the rafters, and Phoebe Cummings’ botanical clay sculptures may have undergone a growth spurt reminiscent of Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors, while Harold Offeh will probably have collected more vinyl LPs with the title The Real Thing.

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